Addysg | Teacher Centre
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Teacher Centre

Teacher Centre is an online management information system (MIS) for schools and Local Authorities that has been developed over the last 10 years by the Systems Development team in Ceredigion.


Attendance Tracking Line

Innovative Interactive Reports

Tracking of schemes, clubs and other activities pupils are involved in.

Key Indicators

SIMS compatibility

Average Assessment Tracking Line

Colour graded assessments

Automatic creation of Statutory data returns (PLASC, CTF, NDC)

Country, County, Multiple Schools, School and perspectives.

SharePoint integration

Interactive Timeline


Full spectrum of Special Educational Needs management

Integrated SMS and email parental contact

One Pupil, One Record

Teacher Centre is a vast application integrating features similar in some ways to alternative MIS and LEA products.  However, it differs significantly in key areas. Firstly, Teacher Centre is web based, cross platform working on PCs, Macs and iPads with no software or server overhead. Secondly and most importantly, it is one system; we do not have multiple copies in each school and another in the LEA office desperately trying to stay in tune. We have one system, one pupil record that provides secure, consistent and accurate management of learners and their needs.

The pupil’s record will move between schools and authorities; at no point do we create a new record. One Pupil, One Record!

This unique feature allows all stake holders to collaborate and maintain a full pupil record, sharing the maintenance burden, improving data quality and reducing bureaucracy. There is no need to sync, transfer files or maintain multiple systems.

Each and every feature of Teacher Centre work together on a single consistently and accurate record. Admissions, for example, starts with a new online admission that creates a pupil record without requiring the LEA or the school to retype the information; reducing work and reducing errors. The record will then get processed through the full admission system, which provides schools with oversight on admissions as it happens. Transport and ALN staff can be informed of any records they might be required to deal with and will be working on the same record and everyone else. Once the admission is accepted the school has simply to click the ‘add’ button for their pupils to put them on the register; completing the process with barely any effort.

The integrated nature of Teacher Centre allows many more unique features, such as the ability to collect data from all schools at the same time. For example, rolling out a marksheet to collect assessment data, can, and is, carried out for all pupils and schools from a single action in the authority. Progress can be tracked and schools supported by the LEA with access to the same view. This allows quick, simple collection which can be supported with ease.

There are many more example across all areas of the system from ALN annual reviews, staff contracts, admissions, transport, EAL, attendance, attainment, Free School Meals, communication etc. Data is entered and collaborated on, across all stake holders and is not maintained in isolation.

Better data, improved efficiency, supporting pupils together.

Not all schools use Teacher Centre as their main MIS, so there are built-in intelligent integration routines that process external data using the same high fidelity processes used in Teacher Centre. This ensures learner records are synced and maintained accurately from other systems, including SIMS and Integris.

School Users

LEA Users

Attendance Inc. First day contact


Pupil record


ALN, Provisions, Annual Reviews

Pupil records for planning

Integration with other school software

Baseline and NDC collection




Parental Communications SMS & Email

Admissions and access to preadmission

Staff Records and absence

Address Validation


County attendance monitoring

ALN Panels and Assessment

Bus Passes and ID Cards

Letter Generation

Youth worker and Alternative

At risk monitoring

Out of County recoupment

Integration with HR and Payroll

Non maintained nursery, special and PRU support

ALN Monitoring

Transport, buses, route management

Admissions with online Parental engagement

FSM with eligibility lookup

Curriculum support

LEA level analysis and searching

Address Validation

EOTAS, LAC and Home educated support