23 May Cwmpawd Updates
Get Organised!
Lesson Planning and Tracking Made Easy
Cwmpawd has just undergone a major update and we wanted to make sure you know about it!
With new features and a complete redesign it should make getting organised even easier.
If you haven’t looked at Cwmpawd recently we hope you log in to try out the new design and features and if you are a regular user we hope you love the new look.
To help we’ve created a few help sheets to make sure you get the most from the new features. Just click on the links below…
If you have any problems, need help logging on or just want to pass on some suggestions please contact our helpdesk!
Site re-style
The whole site has been restyled to make it better to use on mobile devices and hundreds of minor changes, log in to find them.
Improved Class and Whole-School Overview
Improved reports to help you track your progress.
New Feature! – Sharing Activities
It is now possible to share activities with other Cwmpawd users, with other classes and publicly for all Cwmpawd users to search for. No need to retype good lessons!